You’ve digitised Care Planning and Patient Records. Next is Facilities and Maintenance

In today's digital era, the healthcare industry has witnessed significant advancements in streamlining care processes. With the recent adoption of care planning software, the management of patient records and care planning has become more efficient and accessible than ever before. 
You’ve digitised Care Planning and Patient Records. Next is Facilities and Maintenance
Written by
Tom O'neill
Published on
June 19, 2023

In today's digital era, the healthcare industry has witnessed significant advancements in streamlining care processes. With the recent adoption of care planning software, the management of patient records and care planning has become more efficient and accessible than ever before. 

“Technology embedded into care and support can be transformative both for people who need care and staff in the sector.”

Minister for Care Helen Whately said:

However, it is equally important to extend this digital transformation to the maintenance and facilities operations of care homes. In this article, we will explore the importance of care home maintenance and the benefits that can be gained by implementing digital solutions for facilities management.

Improved Compliance with the CQC

Maintaining compliance with regulatory standards such as the Care Quality Commission and ensuring the safety of residents are top priorities for care homes. Digital maintenance systems offer features that help track compliance-related tasks, such as fire safety inspections, equipment calibration, and hygiene audits. 

This means you can have all of your required documentation stored in one place, online, so when the CQC or another independent body is reviewing your care practice you can show them exactly what they need to so and in turn this shows people that you are serious about maintaining a good standard of care home.

A care home maintenance system like FaultFixers also has automated reminders and checklists to ensure that these critical activities are completed on time, reducing the risk of non-compliance and ensuring a safe environment for residents.

An improved level of care

The knock-on effect of digitising your maintenance is that your care facility will undoubtedly be kept in better condition because of improved processes and efficiency. This in turn leads to a better experience for your residents and their guests.

A well maintained care home provides a better quality of life for your residents and also improves tenancy rates. Not to mention the fact your staff will have more time available to spend on actually caring for your residents rather than fire fighting maintenance issues.

Better Communication

Efficient communication is crucial for effective maintenance operations in care homes. Digital facilities management systems like FaultFixers enable seamless communication between staff members, maintenance teams, and external service providers. 

Instead of relying on phone calls or emails, real-time notifications and alerts can be sent to the appropriate personnel, ensuring quick response times and reducing downtime. Improved communication not only enhances efficiency but also promotes a collaborative and proactive approach to maintenance.

A Preventive Maintenance Plan

Preventive maintenance plays a vital role in preserving the infrastructure and equipment within care homes. Regular inspections, servicing, and repairs can help identify potential issues before they escalate into more significant problems. 

With a digital maintenance management system, care homes can schedule routine inspections, set up automated reminders for maintenance tasks, and track equipment life cycles. 

By implementing preventive maintenance strategies, care homes can avoid costly repairs, extend the lifespan of assets, and provide a safe and comfortable environment for residents.

Cost Savings

Implementing a digital facilities management solutions can lead to substantial cost savings for care homes. By adopting preventive maintenance practices, facilities can avoid unexpected breakdowns, emergency repairs, and costly replacements. 

Additionally, digitised systems enable better tracking of maintenance expenses, allowing for more accurate budgeting and resource allocation. Improved efficiency and streamlined processes also contribute to reducing labor costs, optimising resource utilisation, and maximising the return on investment.


While digitising care planning and patient records has revolutionised the healthcare industry, the benefits of digital transformation should extend beyond these areas. Care home maintenance and facilities operations can also reap the rewards of technological advancements. By adopting digital facilities management solutions, care homes can experience improved efficiency, enhanced communication, cost savings, and compliance with safety regulations. Embracing digitalisation in all aspects of care homes ensures a holistic and forward-thinking approach to providing the best possible care for residents.

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