Software for Property Professionals: 4 tools disrupting the industry

In this blog, FaultFixers reviews software for Property Professionals and the four tools disrupting the industry, supporting businesses with technology.
Software for Property Professionals: 4 tools disrupting the industry
Written by
Darren Stewart
Published on
May 9, 2023

Technology has influenced the way we communicate, sell and buy; in this article, we take a look at just some of the most innovative software for property professionals available on the market. 

We'll tackle some of the biggest pain points and how property technology is disrupting the industry. 

Property management software


Goodlord has changed the way lettings agencies and tenants communicate and store data. The Goodlord platform manages everything from prequalifying tenants to scheduling and taking payments. The platform has reinvented how tenancies are being managed; neatly packaged in one ready-to-go app. 

The platform allows lettings agencies to work more efficiently and provides tenants with added security and trust. Goodlord even provides exclusive utility deals and other discounts for tenants. 


Yourkeys has demonstrated the need for complete transparency when buying a house. With COVID keeping the majority of the World locked inside, Yourkeys was busy helping the public become homeowners, all from their digital platform. 

The Yourkeys technology automates the buying process; from taking reservations all the way through to signing documents and completion. 


Proportunity is radically changing the way we search and buy homes. In the UK and especially in London, it is almost impossible to get on the property ladder. Proportunity is striving to change this. The digital platform enables first time buyers to search for affordable loans alongside properties that meet their requirements. 

Gone are the days of renting and buying homes unfit for purpose. 


QFlow is transforming construction sites by enabling sites to become more sustainable and profitable. The platform automates data and turns it into actionable insights that help support a more environmentally friendly project. 

QFlow's mission is to transform the way construction is done by making it greener, more efficient and by helping reduce waste. 


As an additional tool, we of course had to include our own software! We designed FaultFixers so that teams can communicate effectively and manage properties with complete oversight. Our property maintenance software allows teams and customers to report reactive faults and schedule planned preventative maintenance to support property upkeep, reduce downtime and reduce costs.

Don't just take it from us though... 

"Before using FaultFixers, we were using many complex spreadsheets and the burden of managing many outstanding issues at any given time often lead to my team taking longer than necessary to respond. We’re now able to delight our customers with improved response times – in one case we replied to their reported issue within 30 seconds." - Dilpreet Shallon, Customer Care Manager at Apt Living

Take a look at the Apt Living case study below and find out how they use FaultFixers to reduce admin and improve customer experience. 

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