How to create a work order template in Word

Creating a perfect work order process involves streamlining the workflow to ensure efficiency, clarity, and accountability. 
How to create a work order template in Word
Written by
Darren Stewart
Published on
November 20, 2023

A work order is a document or request that outlines specific tasks to be completed by individuals or teams within an organization. It serves as a directive for maintenance, repairs, or other work-related activities. Creating a perfect work order process involves streamlining the workflow to ensure efficiency, clarity, and accountability.  In this short article we'll explain how to create a simple work order template in Microsoft Word. If you would like to take your work order management to the next level you might want to consider investing a small amount in a simple work order management system.

How to create a work order template in Word

Creating a work order template in Microsoft Word is a straightforward process. You can use Word's features to design a professional and customizable template. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Open Microsoft Word

Open Microsoft Word on your computer.

Step 2: Set Page Layout

1. Go to the "Layout" or "Page Layout" tab.

2. Set the orientation to "Portrait" or "Landscape," depending on your preference.

3. Adjust margins to ensure proper spacing and formatting.

Step 3: Create the Header

1. In the header section, include your company's name, logo, and any other relevant information.

2. Insert a table if you want to organize the header information neatly.

Step 4: Title and Work Order Information

1. Type the title "Work Order" at the top of the document.

2. Create a table for the work order details. Include fields such as:

   - Work Order Number

   - Date Issued

   - Requested By

   - Contact Information

 Step 5: Task Details

1. Under a new heading, such as "Task Details" or "Work Description," create another table.

2. Include fields for:

   - Description of Work

   - Location

   - Asset Information (if applicable)

   - Special Instructions

Step 6: Assignment Section

1. Add a new section for assignment details.

2. Create a table with fields like:

   - Assigned To

   - Priority

   - Timeline

Step 7: Communication Section

1. Include a section for communication channels.

2. Specify how updates and communications will be managed during the process.

Step 8: Approval and Completion

1. Add sections for approval and completion.

2. Include fields for:

  • Requested By (Supervisor/Manager)
  • Date Approved
  • Status
  • Date Completed
  • Notes

Step 9: Attachments

1. Include a section for attachments.

2. You can add a line for attaching relevant documents or images.

Step 10: Save the Template

1. Once you've designed the template, go to "File" and choose "Save As."

2. Save the template in a location where it's easily accessible.

Step 11: Test and Adjust

Before finalizing, test the template by entering sample data to ensure everything aligns properly and looks the way you want. Adjust formatting as needed.

Step 12: Use the Template

Now that your work order template is created, you can use it as a basis for generating work orders. Simply open the template, fill in the details for each specific work order, and save or print it as needed.

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